Experience Belize

students swimming in Belize

7-day Tour

This trip includes cave tours, hiking, guided tours, snorkeling and more. Belize is a Central American country with a coast that has a Carribbean feel. This trip is for students with a love for adventure, clear water, and an island/coastal experience.

Sample Daily Itinerary

Day One: Arrive in Belize

Day Two: ATM Cave Tour

Day Three: Tour Caracol with Rio Frio Cave and Big Rock Falls

Day Four: Water Taxi transfer to Ambergis Caye. Golf cart tour of the island

Day Six: Snorkeling Tour of Mexico rocks

Day Seven: Depart for home

Safety First

We have a 24/7 local guide with us who will stay at the same hotel as us and eats with us. In the event of an emergency, the guide will bring local knowledge of the nearest pharmacy, doctor’s office, or hospital.

Lots of different groups can join us for the Belize educational tour, including:

If you are looking for a STEM trip, we have programs in the Dominican Republic and Maine:

For more of a sports experience, we offer the following trips:

Our Belize travel program is available with round trip transportation for students from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and beyond. Buses can leave your school or community center for the airport from Essex County, Burlington County, Union County, Warren County, Bucks County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, and Chester County.